Judoon Language Translator -- judoon.com (easy page address)

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jo tro do plo plo no sho to ro ma no so lo ma to plo ro
The Judoon translate by splitting words into individual letters then adding an "o" to all the letters.
All Judoon word syllables start with a consonant.
Example: start with an "L", add the "O", result is "LO", but there is a problem with vowels...
TARDIS would incorrectly equal TO AO RO DO IO SO
...and that does not work.
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
So the Judoon replace the vowels with the consonant that is closest to the vowel in the alphabet and then add a "C", "L" or an "R" etc. to it to make it a double.
For instance our vowels... A E I O U, become... BLO FLO KRO PLO TRO ...in Judoon
The vowel "I" doesn't have a usable consonant right next to it, H or J would be the only choices and they won't work so "K" is used instead.
(HLO, JLO, HRO, JCO, etc. nothing works... unpronounceable)
A = BLO | E = FLO | i = KRO | O = PLO | U = TRO
TARDIS correctly translates as... TO BLO RO DO KRO SO
So the general rule of thumb is: Any Judoon double consonant is actually the alphabet vowel that is closest to it, except...
KO is of course "K" and it is fine to use KO when writing because you can see that it is a "K" but when speaking Judoon you must use KNO for "K" to distinguish it between "C" for CO.
The "K" in KNO is not silent, so you will know it is a "K" when you hear it.
QWO ... Q has a "W" added to it making it QWO, it still means Q, it's just easier to read that way. It sounds just like the beginning of "quote" but in case you haven't noticed the Judoon do not use the letter "U" in their words so "quo" is out of the question.
"G" or GLO is also close to the vowel "I" but it is the same distance to the vowel E and Judoon's sometimes use GLO to make ambiguous word and / or double entendre jokes.
i.e. in certain words you can exchange "I" and "E" and have a completely different meaning.
NOTE: CLO can also be ambiguously translated into an "A" or an "E"
To replace "A" with CLO, and replace "i" with GLO , and replace "E" with either... check the "ambig" box
Notice "A" BLO can only become ambiguous CLO . "I" can only be GLO . But "E" can be either GLO or CLO so if you translate back and forth more than once an "I" or an "A" might jump ship and become the other.
Other Double Consonants and MA
SHO ...is used for spaces between words (SHO is completely optional, some Judoon use SHO some don't. But it does help a lot when speaking Judoon (you will know where the words end)).
So, if you want to use SHO in your translations just check the "sho" checkbox.
In case you haven't figured it out already... the 'OE' letter Œ is being used as the space between words on the printable program instead of the dot or 'SHO' on the regular programs.
So, if you are reading Judoon out loud the 'OE' (or dot.) will be pronounced 'SHO' and that of course means 'space'
SCO ...is an Exclamation! Sometimes used before the word... like !Halt !Run
SPO ...is a question (mark in writing)? SCO SPO literally translates as "Are you excited?"
BLA ...means STOP or "end of sentence" verbally and is used as a period (.) in writing.
CHO ... is used for "quotes" or apostrophes'
PRA and PLA ... are used for (parenthesis)
NOTE: "MA" is also acceptable as the vowel A, translate using MA as "A" by checking the "MA" checkbox.
With the "MA" checkbox checked any numbers 1234567890 will be translated into their exact Judoon equivalent... (zero Ø is ZA )
1 HA , 2 TA , 3 TRA , 4 FA , 5 FLA , 6 SA , 7 SCHLA , 8 GA , 9 NA , 10 HA ZA , 11 HA HA , and the next Doctor will be called HA TA · by the Judoon.
A beautiful girl is... MA HA ZA (a 10)
With the "MA" checkbox unchecked numbers 1234567890 will be spelled out (i.e. one, two, three, four, five etc.) into their Judoon equivalent... plo no flo · to wo plo · to ho ro flo flo · fo plo tro ro · fo kro vo flo .
All Judoon words ending in "O" rhyme with "go" and all words ending in "A" rhyme with "ma"
The Judoon translator will translate any latin based alphabet into Judoonish ... it works with French, Italian, Spanish, Etc., anything using abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz.
blo bo co do flo fo go ho kro jo kno lo mo no plo po qwo ro so to tro vo wo xo yo zo

JUDOON: sco bo tro no flo jo ko fo to do
THE DOCTOR: no bo ho sho ko ro to so
THE DOCTOR: bokodozogobofopojo
(The Judoon lower their guns)

Copyright © Whooligan
used with permission
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